Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shorts for Billy

Okay. So it's finally warming up and coming out of Winter, and Billy is seriously lacking shorts. Simple solution, make some! I had a look at what patterns I had, but I didn't want a pair of time consuming, overly detailed shorts this time. I wanted something simple, basic and quick to make. Surprisingly, none of my patterns fit the bill! So here is my attempt at altering a pattern.  I removed front and back pockets as well as the fake fly, used a foldover waistband rather than a seperated attached one and I shortened the leg length. I also put a simple pocket on the side so they would be plain, simple but not boring!

Although the fabric looks quite shiny, it is only drill from SL, but the pocket is quilting cotton received yesterday from HT. 

I haven't photographed them on Billy, but he did try them on this morning. They were a little tight over his bulky cloth nappy, but I think they would be a good fit over a slimmer cloth nappy, or over a disposable. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yummy fabric!

The kids and I arrived home from our walk this morning, to find a parcel with these gorgeous fabrics inside!

The green fabric on the left is to try and complete a wrap skirt for me, the one in the middle is going to be an accent fabric on a pair of shorts for Billy. The Pink will most likely end up as a dress, and I haven't worked out the others yet!